Emacs bindkey chart (small version)

Control Keys
^a  Beginning of line (or Home)
^b  Back char (or Left Arrow)
^d  Delete next chaacter
^e  End of line (or End)
^f  Forward char (or Right Arrow)
^g  Stop command
^k  Kill line (send to clipboard)
^l  Refresh page
^n  Next line (or Down Arrow)
^p  Previous line (or Up Arrow)
^r  Reverse incremental search
^s  Incremental search
^u  Repeat next command 4 times
^v  Scroll down (or Page Down)
^w  Cut to clipboard
^y  Yank / Paste from clipboard
^SPC Set mark / begin region select
^_  Undo
Meta / Alt / Escape Keys
M-a  Beginning of sentance
M-b  Back word (or Alt-Left Arrow)
M-c  Capitalize word
M-d  Delete next word
M-e  End of sentance
M-f  Forward word (or Alt-Right Arrow)
M-l  lower case word
M-p  Next sentance / command
M-p  Previous sentance / command
M-q  Fill paragraph
M-u  UPPER-case word
M-v  Scroll up (or Page Up)
M-w  Copy region to clipboard
M-y  Yank next (use after ^y)
M-<  Start of buffer (or ^Home)
M->  End of buffer (or ^End)
M-%  Query replace (see below)
M-DEL Delete previous word
^x 1  One window ^X 0 Delete window
^x 2  Two windows
^x 3  Side-by-side windows
^x b  Switch buffer
^x h  Mark wHole buffer (cut: ^w)
^x k  Kill buffer
^x o  Goto Other Window
^x s  Save some buffers
^x u  Undo
^x ^b List buffers
^x ^c Quit emacs
^x ^f Find file
^x ^s Save buffer
^x ^w Write new file
^x ^v Visit new file / refresh current

Home  Start of buffer/line
End   End of buffer/line

Query Replace  M-%
SPC repace one match
RET quit
. (period) One more match, then quit
!  Replace all the rest
^  Move to previous match
Use arrows to recall prev strings
Use ^y to paste before & after strings

Incremental Search Trick
In i-search, ^s uses previous string
^r reverses search, ^w grabs next word
^q^m finds line break

Directory Edit
^x ^f to find a directory
d  Mark file for delete, then eXecute
f  Find file (open in this window)
o  Open file in Other window
u  Undelete
x  Execute delete commands
C  Copy
M  Change Mode (protection)
R  Rename
Z  Zip: compress or uncompress
~  Mark backup files for delete, eXec
!  Execute Unix command on file
Compile programs
This works well with Makefiles
M-x compile   Start compilation
^x ` Find next compile error
^x (  Start macro
^x )  End macro
^x e  Execute macro       Updated 5/19/15

SPC - Space, RET - Return or Enter, DEL - Delete, ^key - push CTRL at the same time as 'key'
M-key - push Alt at the same time as 'key'  Or, push and release Escape (ESC) then 'key'

Print this page and try each command in conjunction with my Emacs page. June 9, 2022

Run the Emacs tutorial with ^h t   See the full bind key chart with ^h b

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